BedJet vs. Electric Blankets
Electric blankets can't cool you off. But let's take a look at how well they can keep you warm: try Good Housekeeping's Research Institute reviews on the best electric blankets. According to GH, electric blankets can take up to one hour to raise the temperature of the bed by 20°F.
The BedJet, an electric blanket alternative, raises the bedding temperature of a king sized bed by 20°F in just minutes, operating at 10–15x the speed of any electric blanket or electric mattress pad technology on the market. This enables a quick toasty bed pre-heat just minutes before you get into bed.
The Electric Blanket Institute tells us the average electric blanket puts out less than 200 watts of heating power, and some portion of this energy is emitted to the top side of the blanket into the bedroom.
The BedJet provides 1500 watts of safe, dry heating power, nearly 100% of which goes straight into your bedding. The temperature of the hot air from the BedJet is safe, at approximately the same temperature as your household HVAC central air heating register.
Cleaning: Can Electric Blankets Be Washed?
Many electric blankets aren't reliable after repeated washing or have very special washing and drying instructions that must be followed.
The BedJet works with your existing bedding and sheets, you can wash them anytime you like.
Are Electric Blankets Safe?
Electric blankets have embedded wires which you can feel. Additionally, these wires can be chewed on by pets or damaged by children and sharp objects. Older electric blankets cause fires every year from wires in the bed.
How Do Electric Blankets Work?
Even after 45 minutes of heating on “high” a brand new electric blanket does not provide even heating as shown by an infrared camera.
In comparison, BedJet provides even cooling and heating results. Plus, BedJet can be paired with its very own warming and cooling blanket accessory, the Cloud Sheet.

We created BedJet for cooling and heating comfort, but also because we’re not enthusiastic about having live electricity in the bed of any kind, or sleeping all night bathed in electromagnetic fields from electrical wires just millimeters from our bodies. BedJet is the safer alternative to electric blankets because all the electricity is kept well outside of the bed where it belongs. Safety and performance are two important factors when you compare even the very best electric blanket with a BedJet—the BedJet outperforms in every category.
Shop now and start sleeping warmer, cozier and better today!